The Reasons Why Your Audience Is More Crucial Than SEO

Search engine optimization is an area that has been shrouded in mystery and tales for most people throughout many years. There are a large amount of people who really comprehend it and they use it to build their business’s accomplishment levels. So it truly is not surprising to see more and more people approaching SEO from various angles. One popular approach is to write content and articles with SEO in mind to increase a page’s ranking in the search engines. Some believe that it is best to write web optimization articles with the search bots as their intended purpose. Chances are that approach really should have been abandoned by a lot of people still making use of it.

Google has been saying for a long time (and tried to enforce it with an alogrithm change) that you need to write for consumers not bots. The folks who arrive at your site hoping to find what they are seeking. What they are not looking for are articles that appeal to keywords which means, search engine optimization articles. This approach is typically adopted because of not receiving enough information or obtaining the right perspective. When you write just for your visitors, you’ll start to see a lot of positive things happen to your site, like a increase in the ratings.

Just remember that Google keeps an eye on just how long people stay on your website. This is called your “bounce rate” and keep in mind this tells the online search engine a lot about your website. If site visitors are only on the site for a moment and then leave, Google will decide that your site isn’t relevant or highly targeted for that keyword. This is not great news for you. At the same time, Google is more prone to give you a great SEO rating if people are spending a long time on your pages. It all unites eventually.

It is important to be able to write well for the website visitors to your site and to give them exactly what they are looking for; to do that properly you need to do good market research. There’s really no other way to find out about your audience, or target market, and present it to them. When you have good demographics you’ll better be able to figure out what people want. It’s easier to figure out needs and problems when you visit forums that are utilized by members of your projected audience. Then, you will be in a excellent position to write concerning their cares and problems.

That level of in-depth content writing will also give your content something very powerful. The content and articles will actually be super relevant to your audience, which can be determined by Google through one of their algorithms. They are able to read your text and extract the overall relevance. The only true way to get that kind of writing is when you actually know a great deal about your subject. Add that to your bounce rate and Google can easily tell for sure if your site content happens to be relevant.

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