You Will See That The Sites You Link To Will Make A Difference

Most of you already know that in the event you want to get top search engine rankings, that there are a number of things that are taken into account. One thing that most individuals already know is that they have to have their site keyword optimized. Something else you need for your web page is lots of links aiming back to your web page. Of course there are other things that people need to understand about their search engine ranking.

There are various factors utilized by Google to determine a web pages position and while some are well known there are many that are not. One of several aspects that are known is that depending on what sites your site links to could have a good or bad effect on how well your site is listed in the results. One thing you should understand is that if you have a link to a website that Google has banned you will see that this is a bad thing. When Google spiders your site and follows the link you have aiming to the other website, Google will think that you’re in bed with the other site that they already banned. Now you will see that Google, having already banned the one site may take your website and remove it from their results, or even worse they could end up banning your website as well.

Needless to say the exact opposite is additionally accurate. Even though this is pretty much well known, I actually went out and put this to the test. And every time I would simply add a high authority link to another website, about a week afterwards I would end up jumping within the search engine rankings. There was no established boost, as a few sites would move only a few placements while other websites would jump pages at one time.

One way I would complete this would be to add a You Tube video to my Internet site. This way not only are you generating a link to You Tube a website that Google owns, but you are also adding video to your content which Google also loves. And on some web pages I would simply develop a hyperlink in the text that would link the term “Google” to the Google homepage. If you add these things to your websites, within a week or so you should notice a boost in your rankings.

But don’t forget you will not want to link to bad sites. Before swapping links with any web page it is recommended to check on Google to discover if the web page that wants to trade links shows up in Google to begin with. If the site is not found, there could be a reason, for instance Google removed them from there searches. This does not necessarily mean that the site was banned it could just be it’s a fairly new site and Google has not listed this site in their results yet. In any event the link won’t be doing you any good so don’t trade links with sites that are not indexed in Google.

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