Should You Grow Your Own Email List Or Can You Just Use All The Safelists Online?

For those who have been in IM scene for any amount of time, you have heard how essential it is to keep a mailing list to email. Just about every Internet marketer online will state that without a list you have nothing. But the question is, must you grow your own list or can you utilize safelists.

Here we’ll address this question and hopefully give you a good idea on how you should operate your email marketing.

We are going to start off taking a deeper look at safelists. This is a membership site made up of hundreds or even thousands of other Internet marketers. You can ordinarily join without paying fees. Everyone who signs up for these websites automatically agree to permit other members to send them their emails. Generally, each email you are sent will contain something known as a credit link that you must click on to get credits, this is known as a credit based safelist. You then use these credits to send email to other members in the safelist, and on and on.

Keep in mind that the other members of the safelist are like you — they want to email people and get traffic but they don’t want to buy something that another member is telling them about. Honestly, you can make money selling products on safelists, but you’re not going to make a living selling on safelists.

However,, there is a way to use safelists that is worth your time. Now, if you are interested to have your own email list, safelists can help you develop it. You can have people’s email addresses by giving stuff away and having people give you their name and email address in order to get the free item. In a short span of time you will have a mailing list of your own you can email every time you want without clicking safelist links to get credits.

When it comes to building your own mailing list, if you aim to succeed in the long run as an Internet marketer, this is something you need to do. Just about any prosperous Internet marketer will tell you that every person on your own list is worth about $1 every month. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “One dollar, yippy”, but if you think about it this way 100 people equals $100 and 1,000 people equals $1,000 are you beginning to understand how crucial it is now?

This is an average since every person on your email list is not going to just buy a $1 product from you every month. What this means is when you contact your email list with a good subject line and good content in the email marketing a good product, you can expect to make approximately 1 sale for every 50 people on your email list each month. Thus, if you have 50 people on your list and you sell only 1 item worth $50 to someone on your list in a month’s time, that is how you get your average, and when you think about it, it’s not that tough to do.

You can even send out a different offer to your email list daily. And unlike safelists that throttle your mailings and the amount of people you can mail to, you can build your mailing list as big as you want and email them whenever you prefer. Plus, you are not limited on how you grow your mailing list, feel free to use any method you want. Safelists are just one way to help you get rolling. You can create a blog and have people sign up to your list to be updated when you make a new post. You can use traffic exchanges and other no-cost programs to help you grow your mailing list. Basically, the sky is the limit when it comes to building a list.

So which of the two must you use — safelists or your own email list? And the answer is both, use safelists to start developing your own email list.

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