Getting Visitors Is Very Simple If You Use Social Bookmarking

Blog traffic is the one thing that each blogger will say is their number 1 trouble. You can find loads of programs on the web that claim to be able to get you more blog visitors but many of them provide nothing. In the next few paragraphs we will be discussing how you can use social bookmarking as a way to get traffic to your blogs without using those traffic programs that just do not work.

The key benefits of working with social bookmarking is that many individuals belong to these social bookmarking sites and you will be able to get visitors right from these sites. One more thing you need to know is that each time you post one of your blog posts on these social bookmarking sites you end up building backlinks. And backlinks are one of the primary tips to getting site visitors from the search engines. Now you must also understand that the various search engines will usually rank your website higher when you have more backlinks.

While you can join as many social bookmarking Internet sites as you want the real key is to focus on the high PR websites first. Some of the higher page rank Internet sites are sites like Google Bookmarks, Hi5 and Reddit. But don’t just stop there because you can find hundreds more sites that you will be able to leave your link on. I would suggest registering to about 40 or 50 of the major social bookmarking sites. The search engines are a good place to start when your looking to build a list of sites. I should tell you that when you start to set these up make sure you have a few hours to go through them all.

Once you’ve signed up with these Internet sites the next thing you will want to do is to bookmark every post you make everyday. Once again this can be time consuming taking up to 2 hours to log in and post your bookmark to all the sites. The best part about this technique is that you will notice an instant surge in your traffic right off the bat.

Something you may want to consider are people who will actually go out and set up a variety of social bookmarking sites for you and usually only charge about 5 to 10 dollars to do this for you. Don’t just forget about making your posts every single day. For those of you who would like an easier method to get these links published on social bookmarking sites there are two programs that could help. Ping. fm and only wire will be the 2 systems that can take care of your blog posts. These programs will use your current login information from the social bookmarking sites you joined and automatically bookmark all of your new blog posts.

If you actually want to take your blog to the next level and start acquiring more site visitors this is one of the best ways to go about it. The search engines will begin to appreciate your blog when you start creating 40 to 50 backlinks on a daily basis on the social bookmarking websites.

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